Thank You, Kim.

Photo: FreshFix on

I remember the cold blue tile on the floor and the brushed steel on the door frame. I was waiting for my mom to pick me up from my very first worship band rehearsal.I was 13 years old and the youth pastor said they needed another keyboard player, so I came to learn what was up. The older, much cooler girl who played keyboard and wore cool makeup was showing me the ropes. She was good. Like, really really good. She had me play a couple songs. I was awful. Like, really really awful.I plunked my way through a few songs. Rehearsal ended and I was standing by the door waiting for Mom, feeling really embarrassed for even showing up. A couple of the older kids walked by (they could already DRIVE omg omg they were SO COOL) and one of them stopped for a second. Kim Law. She was one of the worship leaders for the youth group, and she was SOOOO cool. She stopped on her way out and just said, "Hey thanks so much for coming tonight, you did a great job. We're so excited to have you on the team!" And then she left.I was absolutely glowing. And you know what? I came back. And I kept coming back. I knew I wasn't very good, but it was ok because Kim Law, the super cool older girl with awesome hair wanted me there. Somebody WANTED me there. So I stayed.Fifteen years later I'm still in the game. Kim probably doesn't remember our short exchange that night, but I can see it in my memory as clearly as if it had happened this morning. I stayed, and got better, eventually started singing, and I'm still growing. If it hadn't been for Kim's encouragement, I think my hesitation and fear would have gotten the best of me, and I would have missed out on this amazing part of my life.Was there a person in your life that encouraged you when you most needed it? Who can you encourage today? Your words hold more weight than you can imagine.


Christ, Or


To Be Broken...