What is a Wedding?
Relationship Relationship

What is a Wedding?

So I told my dad and my sister that I was going to get married without them there. I got married in a dress I bought off the internet. I wore heels that were a little scuffed up, ones I’d worn many times before. I got dressed without my sister to zip me. I took a moment in the bathroom alone, without my best friend asking me if I needed a getaway car.

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The First Five Things I Learned as a Lead Pastor

The First Five Things I Learned as a Lead Pastor

Two years ago today – I remember it so clearly. The day I became a lead pastor. I remember laying in bed the night before, unable to sleep. I remember standing in front of that room full of people, wondering if they would accept me, if I would know what to do to lead them. I had so many ideas – so many solutions to problems that seemed so easy. 
The reality was going to be so much different than what I expected.

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Teach Us to Number Our Days
Life Life

Teach Us to Number Our Days

I used to play that game kids play where you hold your breath when you drive past a cemetery. Then when I was in elementary school, on a trip to West Virginia, mom took me to the carved out space in the holler where my grandmother is buried. It was jarring to see her headstone, bought by my mom’s brother when he received his first-ever paycheck. I never played that breath-holding game again.

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The Beatitudes
Blog, Ministry Blog, Ministry

The Beatitudes

Blessed are you who doubt – who aren’t sure – who can still be surprised by grace.
Blessed are you who have nothing to offer.
Blessed are you who keep trying and nothing seems to work.

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We Said It Enough
Life, Mon Coeur Life, Mon Coeur

We Said It Enough

There are those families that reserve their I love you’s like expensive candy in a jar, bought overseas, limited and finite. When it’s gone, it’s gone. There’s not enough for us to eat it anytime we want. There are those parents who have a hard time saying it to their kids or to each other.

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Your Body Matters
Life, Women Life, Women

Your Body Matters

Your body is not just a carrying case for your soul. Your body is your soul. Of course we know that our bodies can get sick and break and we wait in hope for the resurrection and the perfect bodies we will have then. But your body now is not just a shell. Your body is sacred. And it matters.

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