What You Wear to Your Mom's Funeral
I had made so many decisions over the previous days. How was I going to sum up the life of my incredible, larger-than-life mother?
And the Spirit Hovered.
Creation is happening as the Spirit hovers. You may not see it or feel it. But the Spirit is hovering.
To the Repatriate
You are ruined, my dear. You have seen the other side. You have lived a life you saw before only in pictures from the comfort of your normal life.
Faithfulness Isn't Sexy
I had been valuing passion over faithfulness. I wanted people to see that I was passionate, but what my team and the church needed was someone who was faithful.
Learning to Live a Small Life
I used to think I was called to live a big life. Do big things. Be on some kind of platform telling people stuff they'd never heard before.