The Beatitudes
Blessed are you who doubt – who aren’t sure – who can still be surprised by grace.
Blessed are you who have nothing to offer.
Blessed are you who keep trying and nothing seems to work.
On Grabbing and Stuff
If you want to see more young women in ministry, especially in ministry overseas, you have to raise them to understand that it is never acceptable to be spoken about in such a way that it makes you want to hide.
Give it Away Now
There are days when a thought sneaks into my head about how she's younger and cooler than me. How she's better at this than I am. How I am obsolete or too old or too uncool. How she will go further than I have.
4 Ways to Nurture Your Daughter's Ministry Call
Begin to open the door for her now. Begin to instill in her a boldness and an unapologetic desire for the advancement of the Gospel.
In Praise of Fat Little Preachers' Wives
How many women in my life have been so ordinary that the light inside of them was like a sweet, secret treasure - morsels of grace to be shared simply and quietly? Sitting across from coffee or pancakes much later than I planned has proven to me to be more healing, more life-giving than people living on a larger scene.
They Named Me Bold
Why pray for our daughters to be filled with the Spirit if we are not going to let the Spirit speak through them?
An Unanswerable Question
How do I convince young people in today's church that the ultimate prize is not marriage but a life unwaveringly committed to the cause of Christ? I model it for them. I ask you to do the same - married or single. We open our hearts and our homes to one another as the family of Christ.
To Women in Ministry
And people will argue with you, confrontationally or passive-aggressively. And it will hurt your feelings. And people will use gender-exclusive language and they will refer to pastors as "men" and you will be invited to pastor's wives events even if you are single, but not to the pastor's events. And you may not see yourself represented on the platform or around the conference table.
This is Church
I told her that I was thankful for her. I told her that I needed her, that the church needs her, that we need to learn from her. I told her that there are things about Jesus that she understands that I can never understand, and that I envy her that. And we gulped in awkward silence as tears threatened to spill from our eyes.
Today I Remember (Good Friday)
Today I marvel at a love that says that even if you never did anything right, and even if you waited too long, and even if you ruined everything for yourself, the cross is for you. Today I remember that my own sin was enough to require blood, just as the thief's was.