The Beatitudes
Blessed are you who doubt – who aren’t sure – who can still be surprised by grace.
Blessed are you who have nothing to offer.
Blessed are you who keep trying and nothing seems to work.
No One is Brave
Everyone is so much braver than I am. I don’t feel brave at all. I feel scared most of the time. I feel like a faker – like if people really knew me, the real me, they wouldn’t think I was capable of anything.
And the Spirit Hovered.
Creation is happening as the Spirit hovers. You may not see it or feel it. But the Spirit is hovering.
This Winter
In so many ways this winter has been a reflection of this journey through the valley of death. We wait for spring. Each day we open the door desperate to feel warmth where the cold has cut through. Just when we think it's over, it comes back again, just as bad as the worst day.
The Temptation of Christ...and Us
I first heard this story as a child, probably accompanied by an illustrated Bible or a flannel board story. Christ being tempted by the devil. It made no sense to me.