What is a Wedding?
So I told my dad and my sister that I was going to get married without them there. I got married in a dress I bought off the internet. I wore heels that were a little scuffed up, ones I’d worn many times before. I got dressed without my sister to zip me. I took a moment in the bathroom alone, without my best friend asking me if I needed a getaway car.
You Should Grow Your Hair
You should grow your hair out, he told her. I like girls with long hair.
In Praise of Fat Little Preachers' Wives
How many women in my life have been so ordinary that the light inside of them was like a sweet, secret treasure - morsels of grace to be shared simply and quietly? Sitting across from coffee or pancakes much later than I planned has proven to me to be more healing, more life-giving than people living on a larger scene.
They Named Me Bold
Why pray for our daughters to be filled with the Spirit if we are not going to let the Spirit speak through them?
An Unanswerable Question
How do I convince young people in today's church that the ultimate prize is not marriage but a life unwaveringly committed to the cause of Christ? I model it for them. I ask you to do the same - married or single. We open our hearts and our homes to one another as the family of Christ.
Dear Single Girl (An Open Letter)
All those youth group sermons where you made lists of the qualities of the man you would marry - did anyone tell you that you can have a full, abundant life following the path God has laid out for you without waiting?
On Grief.
Some days she is there to remind me of favor and blessing. She sometimes slips in where I least expected her to remind me how very - lucky is not a strong enough word - lucky I am to have had something so wonderful, and it must have been quite wonderful to grieve it so strongly. Sometimes she holds my hand and won't let me forget beautiful things.
I Don't Have a Patchwork Heart.
I don't have a patchwork heart. Because the constructs of my heart are not dependent on man, or men, or circumstances of my life. The beating of my heart and the strength of its muscles are because I find myself in Christ.
The Delp Women
I am favored beyond reason to be a part of a family with a beautiful legacy of redemption, grace, and intercession.