Delish Raspberry Frosting
So for our First Annual Bridge Awards,(AKA The Bridgies), I was asked to bring a dessert. Unfortunately, the night before I remembered said fact and realized I had nothing but some cake mix. From scratch frosting it is, so I got to googling and found a great recipe here. So here is how you make some legit raspberry frosting.1. Read the recipe and admire the super cute cupcakes that HeatherS made here.2. Hunt through your freezer and realize the leftover frozen raspberries you have are definitely not sufficient.3. Dump them in a pan anyway.4. Add the rest of an almost gone jar of raspberry jam. (I used Bonne Maman brand because I live in France. Mom tells me they have it at Walmart. Sad.)5. Cook it until it's runny.6. Remember that you don't have to take the cake until tomorrow so put raspberry sauce in the fridge.7. The next day, take the sauce back out of the fridge.8. Shake it a little bit because it seems stuck together. Probably because of the jam.9. Strain it.10. Pour it back into the pan only to realize that what you have left is not even as much as the recipe calls for so you can't cook it down.11. Take your delish unsalted French butter and plop 1/2 cup of it in a bowl.12. Whip it. And whip it good.13. Add 2 c of powdered sugar. Realize at this point you don't have enough powdered sugar.14. Add raspberry sauce, a squirt of lemon juice, and some salt.15. Beat it again.16. Add another cup of powdered sugar and then run out. So add 1 c of regular sugar because it's frosting and be kind of sad that it will be a little crunchy.17. Beat it.18. Taste it.19. Taste it again because it's vrai delish.20. Put it on the cake.21. Lick the beaters.Don't forget, on your way home from the soiree, eat the frosted tops off of about two of the pieces of cake. Then complain for the rest of the night because you feel sick.