Belief vs Action

I once had a dear friend that gave me quite a statement about myself -"Kelly, when you believe something, you believe it with your whole heart..."I have been turning that phrase over and over in my mind since the day it was spoken to me. I think my friend was correct.To a fault, most of the time, I believe in things with my entire being. I think it was a bit of a defining statement for me. It's true that in general, when I feel something strongly or believe in something strongly, it consumes my mind.The breakdown comes in action. The breakdown comes when there is dissonance between what I believe in my heart and what I tell myself. I can hold tightly to the promises I have been given from God, I can hold tightly to what I know, but too often I allow fear and self-consciousness to creep in and consume the pure belief that should exist.I know what I am in Christ. I know what I am capable of through Christ. Yet I hold back. I restrain myself. And why - for fear of looking stupid, fear of disappointment, fear of being wrong, fear of failing. [pullquote]I know what I am in Christ. I know what I am capable of through Christ. Yet I hold back. I restrain myself. And why - for fear of looking stupid, fear of disappointment, fear of being wrong, fear of failing.[/pullquote]I would venture to say that many people believe things strongly, but face the same crippling fears. So we live below our potential. We allow mediocrity to drive us because it is easier and safer than taking a risk. We desire to blend in with everyone else, so we limit ourselves.What if I acted on what I truly believe? What if I allowed that consuming faith to consume my entire being?I am thankful for this challenge and the opportunity to reflect on what someone else saw in me. It echoes through my mind constantly. If I believe in something with my whole heart, I should pursue it with my whole life."Blessed is she who has believed that what the Lord has said to her will be accomplished"  - Luke 1:45 (NIV)


Tuesday Night Dinner Club - Revived!


Delish Raspberry Frosting