How Do I Know My Calling?
The space you are in right now – the job, the classes, the life you’re living – your current season is not an obstacle to your real calling. It is where you are called right now.

Your Body Matters
Your body is not just a carrying case for your soul. Your body is your soul. Of course we know that our bodies can get sick and break and we wait in hope for the resurrection and the perfect bodies we will have then. But your body now is not just a shell. Your body is sacred. And it matters.
Faithfulness Isn't Sexy
I had been valuing passion over faithfulness. I wanted people to see that I was passionate, but what my team and the church needed was someone who was faithful.
On Grabbing and Stuff
If you want to see more young women in ministry, especially in ministry overseas, you have to raise them to understand that it is never acceptable to be spoken about in such a way that it makes you want to hide.
If She'd Been Healed...
If she'd been healed, we would have had a great story. A great testimony. But the thing is, sometimes the testimony isn't that God gave you what you wanted - it's that He made you into the person you couldn't become without the tragedy.
What My Dog Taught Me About Fasting
I so often don't even notice the beautiful presence of God because of my frantic desire to take what I want, when I want it.
Sustenance in the Storm
But I believe this story tells us something about the character of God. We can't always understand why we must face difficult circumstances, but we can be sure that He will sustain us. He will nourish us.
Close Them Softly
One thing she shared with us is sure to stick in my mind forever. She felt that the Lord told her this:Open the doors with joy, and close them softly.
Belief vs Action
I know what I am in Christ. I know what I am capable of through Christ. Yet I hold back. I restrain myself. And why - for fear of looking stupid, fear of disappointment, fear of being wrong, fear of failing.