A List - American Foods I Miss

I will eat the following foods during the first week I get home no matter how sick they make me.

  1. Oscar Mayer Beef Hot Dogs (MISS THESE SO MUCH I CAN'T EVEN HANDLE IT)
  2. Any brand of beef hot dog
  3. Nathan's Beef Hot Dogs
  4. Cottage Cheese in a big plastic tub
  5. Dill Pickles!
  6. A breakfast sandwich from Panera
  7. Smores!
  8. Kraft Mac & Cheese ANY TIME I WANT not just for special occasions (sad but true)
  9. Cookie dough that you don't even have to MAKE you can just BUY IT in a LOG!!!

Ok I have to stop now..... Strangely enough I don't miss a lot of foods from home, and some of these I may find I don't even like anymore. But for now I will keep on dreaming..... Siiiiigh.


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The Almond Cake