Make Ice Cream Without an Ice Cream Maker!

Last week Katie and I decided to invite Tessa and Sophia over for a night of fun! We decided to have pizza delivered (what a TREAT!) and for dessert, what else but Bubble Gum Ice Cream?Bubble GumThis is just the sort of thing I would have loved when I was a kid, and that my mother would have referred to as "disgusting." Melting bubble gum in a pot of hot milk and cream...something about it just appeals to my inner ten-year-old. The ice cream should have been a perfect bubble gum pink, but we didn't have red food coloring, so I used blue instead. (Just seemed right.)We watched the Justin Bieber documentary and talked about cute boys (read: Tessa and Sophia talked about Justin, Katie and I talked about his rich manager.)We painted our nails - Tessa went with bright colors coated over in black and silver crackle polish. Sophia picked a classic red. Thus one of my feet was orange with black crackle polish and my other was red. :)However, before they came over I almost had a disaster on my hands with the bubble gum ice cream I had planned to make! My ice cream maker had been used the night before and it wasn't cold enough, so the ice cream wasn't freezing up. At all. I had an ice cream maker full of bubble gum soup. (Not so tasty.)So I frantically searched David Lebovitz's site (he is a great food blogger and wrote the recipe book I use for my ice cream!) and found some tips on making ice cream without a maker. I decided to use a metal pot so that the ice cream would freeze faster.And. It. Worked! Brilliantly! You just put the mixture in the pot, put the pot in the freezer, and every 20-30 minutes (you can wait longer if it's cream based, do shorter time periods if it's a sorbet), pull it out and stir it really well. Perfect bubble gum ice cream without using an ice cream machine.


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