28 Things I Have Learned in 28 Years
- The richness of a friendship outweighs the pain of a goodbye.
- Sometimes you just need to cry it out.
- You will have all different types of friends, but one of them should be the one that you laugh to the point of tears over the absolute stupidest thing imaginable.
- No matter how old you are, it's fun to match pajamas with your sister.
- The first night in a new place is kind of scary, but you will live.
- Don't squirt baby oil all over the floor of your parents' shower to make a 'skating rink.' They will not be happy about it the next morning. (Surprise?)
- If you use lots of fancy words in a paper, sometimes you can fool your teacher.
- The day you have a teacher you can't fool is the day you will learn how to write a paper.
- Getting holla'd at is offensive in English and in French (but secretly does make you feel a little good).
- Some people love the feel of grass beneath their bare feet. Others of us are too paranoid about dog poop or bugs to enjoy it. That's ok.
- If you think you know better, you do. Go with that.
- If you think you might regret it, you will. Go with that.
- After junior high/high school, no one will remember the times you looked silly. Just have fun.
- After junior high/high school, DEFINITELY no one will remember the times you looked cool (or thought you looked cool). Just have fun.
- Get in big trouble at least once. You'll learn a lot.
- If you don't know what a word means, don't ask your friends on the bus. Just wait a couple weeks and you'll find out somehow.
- Jesus is the only constant.
- Make friends with people that are not like you. You will learn so much from them.
- Don't worry so much about what comes next.
- You might not ever get the swing to loop around the top of the swingset, but you should still try.
- Eat ice cream and pizza rolls with your friends. It's worth it.
- You shouldn't try to sound too good when you sing. You should sound like you. It's more fun.
- If you have at least one person in your life who will always love you and be proud of you, you don't need anything else to count yourself blessed.
- Don't present problems. Anyone can do that. Present solutions.
- Makeup is awesome and fun. (I thought this when I was four and I still think it!)
- Don't try to comb your hair so perfect for picture day that all the flyaway hairs are gone. You will look like you're wearing a helmet.
- You are capable of doing whatever it is you want to do. Go for it.
- You can't be good at everything.