I Failed Speech Class. Twice.
I, who now speak every weekend and am minorly sought after for other events, failed speech class. Twice.
On Grabbing and Stuff
If you want to see more young women in ministry, especially in ministry overseas, you have to raise them to understand that it is never acceptable to be spoken about in such a way that it makes you want to hide.
You Should Grow Your Hair
You should grow your hair out, he told her. I like girls with long hair.
If She'd Been Healed...
If she'd been healed, we would have had a great story. A great testimony. But the thing is, sometimes the testimony isn't that God gave you what you wanted - it's that He made you into the person you couldn't become without the tragedy.
I Don't Have a Patchwork Heart.
I don't have a patchwork heart. Because the constructs of my heart are not dependent on man, or men, or circumstances of my life. The beating of my heart and the strength of its muscles are because I find myself in Christ.
Why I Don't Post About Politics
When we rant and yell about things we hate, we deepen the divide between Christians and non-Christians and even between ourselves and our brothers and sisters in Christ. I want to be known by the things I love, not the things I hate, and I want to share with you the things we agree on, the things we both have in common.
Go Play With Someone Else Then
I find in my own life that there are risks I want to take and things I want to do that I am not doing because of what a handful of people will think. Because surely they will roll their eyes at me and then rejoice if I fail.
Lessons Learned at the ISO
I noticed her during the movements of Appalachian Spring. She drew me in because, unlike the two other vocalists, she was lost in the music. As the orchestra took us with them through some - I'll use the word again - unbearably beautiful moments, she closed her eyes and had the hint of a smile on her face.
The Temptation of Christ...and Us
I first heard this story as a child, probably accompanied by an illustrated Bible or a flannel board story. Christ being tempted by the devil. It made no sense to me.
The French Horn Player
Isn't it true that each one of us, with discipline and drive and passion, can do things that we have only dreamed of? Why do we dream of things and never move to see them fulfilled?
What’s The Word…?
He was awkward, wearing a business suit and seemed to be aware she was a little out of his league (and she was). As they talked, he got bolder and bolder, sometimes touching her arm or her waist. Several times he leaned in and just before he got his kiss, she would lean her head back and laugh.