Close Them Softly
One thing she shared with us is sure to stick in my mind forever. She felt that the Lord told her this:Open the doors with joy, and close them softly.
How Did You Feel
I hope that the look on her face gets burned into my mind. Beyond her tangled blonde hair and her gangly limbs, I hope the hunger in her eyes stays with me. We are all hungry for honesty. For reality. For authenticity. The people I speak to need me to be honest, and I need to share my heart honestly.
Go Play With Someone Else Then
I find in my own life that there are risks I want to take and things I want to do that I am not doing because of what a handful of people will think. Because surely they will roll their eyes at me and then rejoice if I fail.
The Real Heroes
I remember reading books about Amy Carmichael and David Livingstone. Missionaries were heroes. Champions of faith who sold everything and lived in a cave with a flashlight. Giants of Christianity who lived life with a spear at their throat.
Lessons Learned at the ISO
I noticed her during the movements of Appalachian Spring. She drew me in because, unlike the two other vocalists, she was lost in the music. As the orchestra took us with them through some - I'll use the word again - unbearably beautiful moments, she closed her eyes and had the hint of a smile on her face.
Thank You, Kim.
I was 13 years old and the youth pastor said they needed another keyboard player, so I came to learn what was up. The older, much cooler girl who played keyboard and wore cool makeup was showing me the ropes. She was good. Like, really really good. She had me play a couple songs. I was awful. Like, really really awful.
The MTV Generation and Real French Food
I want to sit at a French café and watch cheery red bicycles drift by with bouquets of poppies in the front basket. I want to see an impeccably dressed woman with a bobbed haircut a la Louise Brooks walking her poodle (which never ever poops on the sidewalk) and carrying a steaming baguette.
Paris is Pretty but Midwest is Best
You don't hold the prestige of Paris, no. You don't have cobblestone streets or fashion weeks. But just between the two of us, Indiana, Paris can't live up to you when it comes to autumn.
The Almond Cake
This cake is appropriate for:- A summer dessert - add berries of any sort.- Goodbye parties- Feeding Welsh people.
Chicken Enchilada Shells/Canneloni/Lasagna
Then my roomie and I decided to have a little get-together, and we decided that Chicken Enchilada Canneloni it was! Then I forgot to buy the canneloni...but we did have lasagna Chicken Enchilada Lasagna was born! And it was good.